2018 Positively N-expansive homeomorphisms and the L-shadowing property - J of Dynamics and Differential Equations. With B. Carvalho.
2017 Continuum-wise expansivity and entropy for flows - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. With A. Arbieto and M. Pacifico.
2017 On specification and measure expansiveness - Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. With M. Denker and X. Zhang.
2016 Continuum-wise expansiveness and specification for set-valued functions and topological entropy - P. of the AMS. With M. Pacifico.
2016 N-Expansive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property - Journal of Differential Equations. With B. Carvalho..
2015 A note on specification for iterated function systems - Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. With M. Denker and M. Yuri.
2013 On bi-Lyapunov Stable homoclinic classes - Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society. With A. Arbieto, B. Carvalho. and D. Obata.